GR DIGITALやはり、影が出ます。F3.2でも白い画面だと影が出ることがあります。(ISO64 F3.2 S=1/270sec)
12/3、GR DIGITALをリコーさんに送ります。
GR DIGITALとNikon D70を同じショット数ほど撮りましたが、載せる写真はほとんどがD70の画像になってしまいました。
天龍寺(Nikon D70 + AF-S DX Zoom Nikkor ED 17-55mm F2.8G(IF))
天龍寺近くの竹林(Nikon D70 + AF-S DX Zoom Nikkor ED 17-55mm F2.8G(IF))
大河内山荘(Nikon D70 + AF-S DX Zoom Nikkor ED 17-55mm F2.8G(IF))
Nikon D70 + AF-S DX Zoom Nikkor ED 17-55mm F2.8G(IF)
Nikon D70 + AF-S DX Zoom Nikkor ED 17-55mm F2.8G(IF)
金閣寺(Nikon D70 + AF-S DX Zoom Nikkor ED 17-55mm F2.8G(IF))
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Very nice pictures!! GR-D is just available in Hong Kong, one month after Japan.
投稿: Dennis Chan | 2005年12月 3日 (土) 04:13
Thank you. Dennis Chan.
It increased that a person of an English area read my diary.
I worried a little. For getting comment in English.
The reason is because I cannot use English.
I'm sorry. In broken English.
Please look. I registered a photograph of Kyoto.
I photographed it in almost Nikon D70 of a photograph.
Unfortunately I slightly register the photograph which I photographed in GR-D.
A sale start of GD-D seems to become a topic in various countries in the world.
I think that people photographing Christmas in GR-D increase all over the world from now on.
And all should satisfy GR-D.
I can photograph a night view without a noise. And I can photograph the image which is a wide-angle lens without a distortion.
In addition, there is utility value of the photography that utilized deep DOF.
GR-D is a splendid camera of a new type.
However, for a camera of first time production, some troubles are given.
As for my GR-D, a dirt sticks to a sensor.
I sent GR-D to RICHO today to repair it.
投稿: 5269 | 2005年12月 3日 (土) 13:32